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Teknisk tilkallingssupport

Livslang støtte for ditt utstyr.

Når vi sier livslang støtte, mener vi det virkelig. Enten du trenger en akutt reparasjon, ekstra vedlikeholdsekspertise eller rask feilsøking for å komme til bunns i et problem, er vi der for deg – uansett merke eller type utstyr bedriften din er avhengig av.

On-call repair and maintenance.

Need to repair something quickly and get your equipment back up and running as soon as possible? Looking for additional maintenance expertise to support your operations? When you need us, our technical support experts are just a phone call or email away.

Our on-call service covers corrective and preventive maintenance as well as spare parts supply.

Find your nearest technical service contact

Fast troubleshooting for all your equipment.

Finding the cause of a failure or malfunction can sometimes be difficult and time-consuming. Kalmar experts can visit your site to get to the bottom of the problem and make sure your equipment is up and running again as quickly as possible. We can support you wherever you are in the world and whatever brand or type of equipment you use.

Service support that keeps your business moving.

Find out how Kalmar Care service contracts for all brands and types of cargo-handling equipment can help you make sure your business never stops. You focus on your operations while we make sure that the competencies and materials you need are always available.

Discover our Kalmar Care service contracts

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